While K8 recovers from injuries, CP renovates

Hardest part for K8 recovering from back and heel injuries? Watching CP take on the renovation all by himself! In the past month, the man made herculean efforts and completed the following (in order):

  1. install new toilet on the first floor under the stairway the second floor (who wouldn’t put that at the top of the priority list when the only alternative is a portable commode for wifey-confined to first floor?)

  2. remove Saarinen pedestal table and store it at studio

  3. arrange K8-can’t-remember-name-of-designer mid-century daybed (and, no, it’s not George Nelson) on first-floor-confined-K8

  4. install insta-hot and cold, filtered water faucet in kitchen

  5. assemble tall pantry in kitchen

  6. pick up two stained glass windows

  7. scavenge a standing cycle for K8 (will be handy if/when K8 can put pressure on foot)

  8. bring CP coat rack from studio to house

  9. re-arrange back deck for K8 to access seating and reclining

  10. install George Nelson saucer pendant in LR

    1. replace it with bubble lamp

    2. decide to install 36” CP original

  11. paint, grow, and install CP newGrowth chandelier in DR

  12. create and install a CP 8’ rectangular lighting fixture in Kitchen

    1. install sketchy over rectangular lighting fixture to give more light

    2. consider new designs for more light in kitchen

    3. plan to relocate fixture to downstairs ceiling stairwell

  13. fix front door security / doorbell ringer

  14. replace fuse for boiler

  15. build and finish drywall cover around radiator pipes in kitchen

K8’s crises in pain are gone, but CP’s been feeling more than a little achy-breaky of late. Poor guy! He did get some super love during his visit with Charlotte in Vermont at the end of September, though. We’re both grateful for the super love from friends dropping by, bringing us meals during K8’s MD-directed house arrest, and lending their reno expertise.

ps: K8’s not feeling pain but remains on R&R until early December. A walking boot for the left foot is hopefully on the near horizon but the back brace remains prescribed for the time being. The knee scooter generously lent to us by my colleague Caroline T. has been a true lifesaver. Added bonus: K8 can keep up with CP’s pace for the very first time.


One year later…


Safety First